Saturday, February 13, 2010

Grand Valley 3k

The events leading up to the race:

Friday morning - Art and I don't want to go outside to run so I ran 1 mile on the treadmill and Art ran 4 miles while watching some reality show on drug rehab. Then when I am back in the room, I hear some pounding in the hallway and Art comes in out of breath saying he just did strides in the hotel hallway.

Tommy call's Art for running advice oh wait, no he called about advice on a boxing match. Tommy said he has two hobbies and they consist of betting on sports and picking up chicks.

Friday afternoon - Head to the track and see Paul, Scott and Jesse. Paul, of course, starts out by saying how much he doesn't like me. He says it's a love hate relationship but I think it's mostly just hate on his end. Art and Paul finalize the bet for the 3k on Saturday. The bet consists of Paul giving Art one second for each year difference in age. So Art has 10 seconds in hand.

The other battle in the 3k is Team Golden vs Team Gunnison. I think me and Art are the underdogs but anything can happen!

Good luck to the rest of the BRC athletes competing this weekend!

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