Friday, January 22, 2010
Past few weeks
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I did a workout with Kevin Bacon!
The effort for the day was aided by UCCS' track coach David Harmer. He turned up to generously donate his energy in rabbiting the workout despite having done a workout with his track kids the day before, and despite having another workout lined up for the following day as well. In his quaint Enlgish accent he stated "Right now I'm everyone's training-b****!" So charming. And Misch showed up to holler and stand around in chilly temps despite having finished his own workout a couple hours before. So with those factors, the workout was almost like a real race, minus the actual competitors and starting gun and finishing tape. The added encouragement was very much appreciated though.
Now, every so often in the midst of an especially difficult workout or run, I am sometimes struck with unusual and sometimes startling revelations. I had one such revelation during this workout. Somewhere around middle of the second rep as I struggled to keep up with Harmer, I came to the sudden realization that he bears an astonishing resemblance to Kevin Bacon in the movie 'Footloose'--minus the awesome 80's dance moves. Seriously, check it out:

Bacon's on the left, Harmer's on the right, in case you can't tell the difference. It really is a toss-up.
Anyways, aside from that I wish that I had some more exciting news to divulge, but I don't. Congrats though to Adrian and Tera for their awesome races in Phoenix and Houston last weekend--they both did pretty boss for sure.
That's all for now--happy trails to all.
Workout Time!!!
What's up!!!
Training has been going well these last couple of weeks, but not great. Mileage wise i have hit 110, 110, and this week 100. I was able to get some ok miles in even after I was sick last weekend, traveling across Kansas 2 weeks ago, and fighting the elements of winter in Missouri the week before that(ice! lots of ice and snow)!
Last week I was able to get in 2 workouts before I got sick. I did a light fartlek on Tuesday as my first real workout back of 45sec on, 2min off x 12. That went well and I like to do those type of workouts in a hilly area like garden of the gods. My second workout was on Friday and I did a ladder fartlek on alternative surfaces(grass). 3on, 2off, 6on, 3off, 9on, 4off, 6on, 3off, 3on, 2off. Pretty good workout, but I really need a couple of weeks of workouts to get a good idea where I’m at.
As for my last week highlights... I did win the farming game this week!!! And... I have started game night in Colorado Springs so if anyone’s in town... GAME NIGHT!!! call me
P.S. Aucencio… We can watch the Office during game night.
Tommy :)Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Road workout...because we have no indoor track
Anyhow, the workout was great. Did 7x1 min, 5x45 sec, 5x30 seconds. Roughly 400,300,200's with 1 min rest and 2 minutes between sets. I felt really good and my speed feels ahead of schedule even though I haven't been working on it much, besides strides and drills.
This past weekend we had an intrasquad in Montrose and I beat Cody's track record, running a 1:53.3. It felt pretty good, and it should help with running some miles and 3k's later in the season. I like racing below my race distance in the winter when I am basically training more for the 5 or 10k otherwise.
I hope to see a lot of you Friday and Saturday at Mines. Greg, Art and I should have a fun time in the DMR. If we don't win I'll never rabbit another DMR again...
Hope everyone is training well and staying healthy!
Indoor Mile, here I come
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A race no one knew they were in but me!
Today despite the fact that this was only my 2nd hill run in 5 months, I couldn't help myself... I had just run up the first two hills ( one ~1 mile long at 6.4% grade and the other a little over a half mile at 9.2% grade) when I started seeing some people in the distance running towards me. As we got closer to each other, I discovered it was one of the local high school boys distance runners and they appeared to be having a hard day on the hills as well. As soon as I saw them I started calculating in my head whether I would be able to catch them on my return trip. I decided that it wasn't a good idea for me to do that and I kept the same pace I was running out. As I was running up the last hill to my turn around point though I realized I was running right towards two high schoolers and I knew I was in for it. I turned around and started back towards my car and pushed it. I couldn't help myself, lucky for me today is considered a hard day but not the kind of hard that I did. I pushed it up every hill and on the downs as well and those boys, who never knew they were racing me, lost! I made it back to my car and they were nowhere to be seen. I also negative split 5 and a half minutes on the way back...probably my best negative split on the 8 mile out and back.
When I got done though, I knew that I shouldn't have run it in as hard as I had. My goal is to perform well in June not on on a January training run! I also knew that I was going to have to report my run to my coach and he was not going to be happy. I am 29 years old, have been running for at least 18 years and I know better. Although at the same time, I was really happy that I was able to work those hills on the way back to my car and hopefully that means that my body and mind are ready to put in the work over the next several months to get me ready for some good racing!
Monday, January 18, 2010
I *thought* I kept it together pretty well throughout the ordeal. But a couple days later after dealing with the paperwork and insurance claims I think all the stress caught up to me and I completely lost it. (poor david...I dont know how he puts up with me!) I realized that I can't work for 29 hours straight especially before a big race. Next time I just need to hire some more help or ask my friends as a favor. I am definitley going to work on not over extending myself as much.
After all the craziness going to Houston felt like a vacation. It was super relaxing...the day before the race I read in bed for several hours and I slept great while I was there. The race was a lot of fun and I felt really good. It definitley wasn't perfect but I came away with a PR and I'm really happy was able to pull it together and compete. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can run when im back to my normal self.
For now its a few days off to see if I can heal an issue im having with my right hip and plantar. I have a couple races I want to do and I'm trying to finalize my schedule this week depending on what the sports med people say.